Dinosaur Stomp
Dinosaur Stomp
Intended Grade Level(s):
4-5 grade levels with paired readers* from 2-3 grade levels
Saturday Night at The Dinosaur Stomp by Carol Diggory Shields; ISBN: 978-0-7636-3887-0
Choose rhyme stanzas from the book suitable for paired reading*. You can choose longer or shorter stanzas depending on grade level. Create sentence strips with the selected rhyme stanzas so pairs, trios or foursomes can read aloud together.
Bass xylophone, Bass metallophone, and/or contrabass bars.
- Sing the whole song for the students a few times.
- Sing each phrase and have the class echo the phrase. Then combine two phrases and have the class echo the two phrases. Lastly, sing the whole song and have the class echo it back to you.
- Pat the pattern of the bass xylophone part in the A section on your legs.Make sure you are doing it backwards (mirroring) so the students will move in the correct direction in preparation to play. Have them join you when they figure out the pattern. Take turns singing and patting the pattern. Try patting and singing at the same time.
Repeat the same procedure with the B section
Have all the students learn both parts. Depending on the skill level of your students you might want to have half the class play the A section and half the class play the B section. You might play the B section and have the class play only the A section. If your students are able to play both sections, let them shine!
- To learn the speech pattern in the score, first say the speech in rhythm and have the class echo you. You might want to add head bops, or pats for the rest measures. Transferring the speech onto temple blocks or a guiro can add another layer.
- When teaching the movement, mirror the steps first, then the arm gestures. Next, put the two together. This process makes it easier for students to learn the movement quickly. If you students are struggling, speak the steps while moving then whisper then “think” the steps until they are comfortable.
- For the B section, give the students time to explore different movement ideas alone. Once they like their own creations, they can share with their paired reading partners and combine their ideas to create a group movement. Play a hand drum or the bass xylophone part while they move so the students know how much time they have (it is short!)
- Have half the class sings the song, while the other half performs the movement. Reverse roles and do it again.Students may want to share compliments after watching each other perform.
- Once the song and dance are secure add the accompaniment. If this is not successful, don’t give up, Try again on another day!
- Read the story with paired reading and add the song, accompaniment, and dance. Decide with your students where the song and dance should be performed in the story. Request student narrators to read the portions of the book that are not performed by the shared reading groups. If you want to add another layer, decide on places where untuned percussion instruments may enhance the telling of the story.
*Paired reading is a research-based fluency strategy used with readers who lack fluency. In this strategy, students read aloud to each other or together. When using partners, more fluent readers can be paired with less fluent readers. In this case, older students can be paired with younger students. Source: Every Child Can Read-Strategies and Guidelines for Helping Struggling Readers. Baskwill and Whitman. Scholastic Inc., NY, c. 1997 ISBN 0-590-10389-X
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HI Carol,
Do you have lists of students reading levels in order to pair them?
Love this, of course! So generous of you!