
Happy Thanksgiving

Roger and Michelle offer their best wishes to you, our Teaching With Orff family, and each share their personal focus for finding meaning and connection this Thanksgiving season.

We are thankful for you and the beautiful work you do in the world!

Teaching With Orff

Teaching With Orff supports Music & Movement Educators by providing free lesson plans and teaching tips as well as online workshops and courses designed to bring joy and value to your teaching.

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  1. Regina P. on November 25, 2020 at 11:53 am

    Thank you! This was a beautiful moment in my day. Peace to you, and to all, at this time.

    • Roger Sams on November 25, 2020 at 5:14 pm

      You’re most welcome, Regina. We’re delighted that you found the time spent with us nourishing.

  2. Sue Jarvis on November 25, 2020 at 12:16 pm

    That made me feel. Thank you

    • Roger Sams on November 25, 2020 at 5:15 pm

      You’re very welcome, dear Sue. Feeling is indeed a good thing! Have a beautiful Thanksgiving.

  3. Paul Deming, music teacher, Rohan Woods School on November 25, 2020 at 12:47 pm

    Peace and love to both of you. I don’t care if Ringo says it all the time, it is my new mantra and my greeting and my exodus all in one. Thank you for the beautiful work you do. The rewards for being beautifully human (and for most of us beautifully flawed) are the feelings that we matter, that we make a difference in the universe if only in some small ripple in the vast scheme of things. So peace and love to both of you, you have blessed me beyond words.

    • Roger Sams on November 25, 2020 at 5:16 pm

      Thank you, Paul, for your kind words. May you have a beautiful Thanksgiving filled with love and gratitude.

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