Instrument Repair Hospital: Labeling and Storage
Posted May 13, 2015by
In this episode of Instrument Repair Hospital, “Dr. Lissa” shows us how to label and store Orff instruments. Her method ensures that your bars remain with the instrument they came with while being transported or stored.
Take good care of your Studio 49 Orff Instruments for their long lasting health and great sound!
– Address Labels
– Permanent Marker
– Towels
– Bungee cords
See all posts by Lissa Ray
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Filed under Instrument Repair Hospital
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I loved the labeling ideas. So logical. I usually just dust off the bars because I have enough room to store my instruments in my closet that are on the stands during the school year. I am inspired to remove the bars after I clean them and label them. It will help the teacher next year as I am retiring.
I like to massage my xylophone bars and instrument cabinet with Murphy’s Oil Soap at the end of the school year. It restores the natural oils of the wood and will always keep your bars sounding great.