teaching technology

Making It Work: Teaching With Technology

There are numerous circumstances that could cause you to have to teach elementary music classes from your home. These could range from weather-related school closings to an illness that causes you to be home for the week. When this occurs, you want your students to keep musically progressing. Whether you are asked to provide home instruction, distance learning, or you feel you need to teach from home so that your curriculum and performances stay on track, here are a few free technology-integrated ideas that could benefit you and your students.

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Using Technology with Elementary Music Approaches (this is not the cover-my girls wanted to show me their versions of the cover)

Later this year, I have a book being published by Oxford University Press titled, Using Technology with Elementary Music Approaches. This book gives lessons and ideas on how to integrate technology into the approaches of Dr. Feierabend (First Steps in Music), Zoltan Kodály, and Orff Schulwerk. It also has a chapter for integrating technology into Project-Based Learning (PBL). The summaries of the approaches were written by experts in the field: Dr. Missy Strong (Feierabend’s First Steps), Glennis Patterson (Kodály), and Ardith Collins (Orff Schulwerk)

Amy Burns

Amy M. Burns is an elementary music educator, clinician, author, and musician. She currently works at Far Hills Country Day School in Far Hills, NJ teaching PreK through Grade 3 general music, grade 5 instrumental music, and grades 4-8 instrumental band. She is the author of Technology Integration in the Elementary Music Classroom, Help! I am an Elementary Music Teacher with a SMART Board, and Help! I am an Elementary Music Teacher with One or more iPads! She is also an author for Online Learning Exchange™ Interactive Music powered by Silver Burdett. She has given numerous presentations on integrating technology into the elementary music classroom as well as being a keynote speaker for music technology conferences in Texas, Indiana, St. Maarten, and Australia. She is the recipient of the 2005 TI:ME Teacher of the Year Award, the 2016 NJ Master Music Teacher Award, the 2016 NJ Governor's Leader in Arts Education Award, and the 2017 Non-Public School Teacher of the Year Award.

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  1. Rebecca Donaldson on March 27, 2020 at 11:10 am

    Thank you, Amy. This was super helpful! I appreciate knowing about all of the resources you listed!

  2. Elissa Weizman on April 18, 2020 at 4:44 pm

    Very helpful albeit overwhelming! Looking forward to putting some of these ideas into use.

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