Distance Learning Resources for Music Educators
Many of you are now navigating uncharted waters as you prepare to teach your young music students online rather than in your classroom. We are so inspired by how so many in our community have stepped up to offer love and support and information. We’ll keep adding their contributions to our list*.
“I’ve found that no matter what life throws at me, music softens the blow.” – Bryce W. Anderson
Free Webinar
Orff Online: Planning for Distance Learning in a School District with Roger Sams and educators from the Rockwood School District
Self Care
Tuesdays With TWO (Teaching With Orff) by Roger Sams and Michelle Marie
Self Care Tips for Quarantined Music Teachers by Crystal Pridmore and Zoe Kumagai
Distance Learning
Distance Learning Lessons with Mr. S by Matthew Stensrud (weekly Orff lessons)
Teaching With Technology by Amy Burns
Remote and E-Learning Activities by Aimee Curtis Pfitzner
Teaching Music Remotely by Sing to Kids
Ideas for Teaching Music Remotely by Karen Stafford
Music Teacher Resources for School Closures by Elizabeth Caldwell
Bridging the Gap: Teaching and Learning Music Online by NAfME and NAMM
Teaching Without Contact by American Orff-Schulwerk Assocation, Reverberations
MusicplayOnline – free student login now available
Purposeful Pathways PowerPoint Tutorial by Beth Ann Hepburn
5 Tips for your Virtual Music Lessons by Crystal Pridmore
5 Tech Tools You Should Consider by Midnight Music
Creating Virtual Music Classroom Content – A Quick Start Guide by Crystal Pridmore
Facebook Groups
Music Educators Creating Online Learning
American Orff-Schulwerk Association Discussion Group
*Inclusion on this list does not represent endorsement.
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Empower your students to create their own music in this free 3-day challenge with Roger Sams. (Lessons delivered via email)

Learn about the legendary factory that started it all and why so many teachers like you love our instruments.
Thank you so much for posting these!
You are welcome! Be safe and be well.
Thank you for your support! Truly “music is a gift that is meant to be shared”, especially during these uncertain times.
Felisa – You’re welcome. And that is so true.
I thought I saw on here an philharmonic virtual tour. Cannot seem to find it now. Was I dreaming?
James – it wasn’t on our list, but if you find it – please share!
this is so helpful. Thank you for sharing!
Jill – you are so welcome!
Checking with you to see if I may have permission to share the links to distance learning resources you have provided with my music list of over 500 + music and art teachers in the Greater Cincinnati / Dayton / N. Kentucky area.
Dale – of course! Please share this post with anyone who can benefit. We’re all in this together!
During all of this Covid19 Distance Learning, the common thread is definitely the music we create and share. Thank you for being our resource an support through this. Blessed not stressed~
Beautifully said Kerry!
Thank you so much for these helpful resources. Hope everyone is well.
Meghan – you are welcome. Be well and take care of you!
Thank you so much for the resources. So helpful.
Be well and be safe. Take care!
Irene – you are welcome. Be well and take care of you!
Are you happy for me to share this page with our Orff music educators in Western Australia too?
Thank you
Hi Ash – You are always welcome to share our content with fellow Orff music educators. Be well and take care of you!